There are lots of fuzz about Paleo Diet and Diabetes. Today, I would like to discuss these things so that we can have a clearer picture of what paleo diet is and how it can help people with diabetes.

What is Paleo Diet?

Paleo diet is derived from “Paleolithic Diet” or what is known as the “cave man diet”. Compared in our modern day diet, Paleo is about eating whole foods like meat, vegetables and fruits. It is about food that we can find in nature. No process foods, no foods that were just introduced lately like legumes, dairy, and grains. In short, the main idea of this diet is eating natural foods that can be found readily in nature, something that were not artificially processed.

Check: Paleo Cookbook: Recipes for the 21st Century Hunter Gatherer

Multiply Delicious gave us an easy guideline for this diet:

  • No processed foods – any kinds of fast food. Most of these foods were already processed.
  • No refined, artificial & added sugars – Sugar is not healthy if it is extra. Processed sugar is also not healthy, so as artificial sweeteners. What you can use are those that you can find naturally in nature like honey.
  • No grains – gluten = bad. If there is coconut flour and almond flour available, better. Plenty in the visual recipe index.
  • No legumes – it that includes peanuts & anything soy, like soy beans, soy sauce, etc.
  • No white potatoes – they spike your insulin, but sweet potatoes are okay. Sweet Potatoes are NOT potatoes, they don’t even come from the same plant family! Interesting, right? Say goodbye to French fries.
  • Try to avoid dairy – use fermented or raw grass-fed dairy if needed
  • No alcohol – although if you absolutely have to there are some “better” ones to consume
  • No vegetable oils (that includes canola, peanut, soybean, corn, etc…)
  • Yes to healthy fats – animal fat, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, tallow, nut oils, etc…
  • Yes to grass fed meats, pastured free-range chicken/eggs, wild fish and fresh organic produce (find your local farmer’s market)
  • Sleep!  That’s important.
  • Exercise!

How does it help diabetic people?

Paleo diet is diabetic friendly. We need low-fat and low-carb foods. Based on the guidelines presented above, paleo diet promotes that. This diet is actually focused on the heart of the problem which is poor diet and lifestyle.

The rise of diabetes cases around the globe is very alarming and a huge percentage of this is caused by poor diet and lifestyle. Even doctors and other nutritionists agree that in order to fight diabetes or best avoid it is to practice healthy diet and lifestyle. But how can we do that in this modern world where most foods are processed and life full of stress?

The answer is discipline and a strong will to implement helpful diet program like the paleo diet. Eating the right food, avoiding processed food, quitting extra sugar, and doing helpful but not stressful exercises is definitely helpful for diabetic people.

So where can we get the paleo diet recipes and guide?

Good question. What I included in this post is some ebooks that you can buy for your use.

Paleo Cookbooks - Recipes for the Paleo DietPaleo Cookbook: Recipes for the 21st Century Hunter Gatherer – Avoid the lies of celebrity diet fads and follow the proven knowledge of your hunter-gatherer ancestors. The caveman diet isn’t an effort, it’s natural, and you could be eating your way to optimum health with your next meal.


Paleo Cookbooks - Recipes for the Paleo DietPaleo Cookbook: Paleo Eating for Modern People – After years of poor health and failed diet fads the world has finally found the answer to curing fatigue, poor sleep, bad skin, headaches and bloated belly syndrome. The Paleo Diet is revolutionizing the way the world eats.


Simple Paleo Recipes – This is good for starters, those who are wants to get an overview about what paleo diet is. Simple Paleo Recipes teaches you how to cook delicious Paleo friendly meals every day of the week. No matter how good you are cooking, these practical recipes are designed to make Paleo Living accessible to everyone.

See more resources here.