Pinakbet sometimes pronounced as “Pakbut” is a specialty of Ilocanos in the Philippines. It is a kind of vegetable recipe which is a mixture of various fruit vegetables such as lady finger (Okra), eggplant, string beans, squash, and some other vegetables. It is flavored by shrimp paste, salt and pepper.

pinakbet recipe

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I also call Pinakbet as one of the known bitter melon recipes in the Philippines since it is not complete without it

This recipe is good for diabetic because it is prepared with vegetables known to fight diabetes such as lady finger and bitter fruit. Sometimes, Moringa fruit (malunggay) is also added to the recipe making it healthier. Just don’t make it too salty especially that shrimp paste is already salty.


1/4 lb pork, thinly sliced
1 large egg plant, chopped
1 medium-sized bitter melon, chopped
1/4 lb squash, chopped into 2×1 inch cubes
3 pieces large tomato, sliced
1 piece onion, sliced
1 tbsp ginger, minced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
6 to 8 pieces okra sliced into halves
1 bunch string beans, cut in 3 inches length
4 tbsp shrimp paste
1 cup water
3 tbsp cooking oil
salt and pepper
2-3 moringga fruit sliced (optional)


  1. Heat the pan first and put cooking oil when it is hot.
  2. Saute the garlic, ginger, onion, and tomato, and then add pork until it is brown.
  3. Add shrimp paste and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Add water until it boils. Simmer until pork is tender, this may take around 10-15 minutes.
  5. Add squash until texture becomes soft
  6. Add the rest of the vegetables and mix other ingredients. Simmer until all the vegetables are cooked. However, it is better that these vegetables are not overly cooked. You will enjoy eating these fresh vegetables if they are a little crunchy (except the squash).
  7. Serve hot.

Additional Note: If you already have some kidney problem, better not to add shrimp to avoid extra salt.